The pure heart becomes the receiver of the the all-pervading truth. The true devotee seeks Self-fulfillment alone......for him there is nothing greater than being at peace with his own Self. With his pure heart he fills all with joy....he loves the world so much and spreads the epidemic of loving the Lord wherever he goes..... He knows not what purity is…he knows the goodness of his Lord and attached his breath to his Master's name..... Even the Lord cannot tempt His devoted one to leave His side....even for a moment....the devoted one fills his Self with the Holy Name....there is no place for anything else....there is no one that can be dearer to him..... He places his worldly duties at the Feet of his beloved Lord...."Lord, you must do....what I must now...I am immersed in You....... and You alone can do what the world calls 'my work" And if the Lord asks His devoted child, "Dear one, what can I give to you....for being My obedient child...." The devoted one says, "Lord...I am what I am only because it is You that makes me is You that must reward Your Self.....I must not be disturbed for I am immersed in Your beautiful act of being me...." How wonderful is this life in which the pure heart discovers his heart....and in the heart finds his beloved Lord....and in his beloved Lord finds his Self... |